
Feijoa sellowiana


We love our hardy exotics at Big Plant Nursery and Feijoa sellowiana is a favourite.

Native to Southern America and otherwise known as the ‘Pineapple Guava’, Feijoa sellowiana will form a wonderful evergreen tree-like shrub.  The ovate leaves are deep green with silvery undersides.

During late spring – summer outrageous, exotic-looking flowers form with fleshy white and red petals.  The bright red stamens are the star of the show and stand proud of the petals.  In a particularly hot summer you may be fortunate enough to see round, greeny-pink fruit appearing after the flowers.  The fruits can reach up to 3 inches and when ripe contain a juicy pulp which is deliciously sweet and tastes of a mixture of pineapple and mint.  The flowers are also edible – being particularly useful in drinks such as Pimms – the sepals are really sweet and taste delicious.   

Feijoa sellowiana requires free-draining soil and a warm, bright position in full sun – be careful not to over-water.  Minimal maintenance is required however Feijoa will respond well to being pruned or shaped if required.  

Eventual Plant Size

Please note all images are for illustrative purposes only, depending on the season or time of year the plant you receive may be different than pictured.


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