
Cyathea dealbata, Alsophila tricolor


Cyathea dealbata now renamed as Alsophila tricolor or better know to most as the ‘Silver Tree Fern’ is another wonderful tree fern from New Zealand. Given that so many beautiful ferns originate here its high praise indeed that Cyathea dealbata has been chosen as the national floral symbol of the nation. To me it is right up there in my top 10 of worlds most desirable plants and I don’t say that lightly. If you haven’t seen a mature plant in the ‘flesh’ please add to the list of things to do, fortunately you dont have to visit New Zealand nice as it is. Specimens can be seen growing outdoors in the far west of Cornwall, Ireland and other sheltered spots kissed by the gulf stream. Indoors they can be spotted at botanical glasshouses in great gardens around the country too, there is no excuse!  I’m not going to descibe it much here other than let you know its a biggish tree fern a bit like Dicksonia antarctica in structure only a little slimmer but differs by having on mature plants silvery white leaf stems ,known as petioles, and stunning white underside to the entire leaf.

Here in the UK, it is possible to grow Cyathea dealbata with great success particularly if you have a mild sheltered spot where you could plant in fertile and moisture retentive soil and place in a shaded to semi-shaded and position.  You will need to offer your ‘Silver Fern’ winter protection from frost and cold temperatures so we also recommend container cultivation in cold areas , most of the U.K, growing outside during frost free months and moving undercover for the winter keeping just frost free. We have grown them very successfully in very rich compost for many years when then seen happy to increase in size making maginficient plants in just a few years.

Eventual Plant Size

Please note all images are for illustrative purposes only, depending on the season or time of year the plant you receive may be different than pictured.


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