Pteris nipponica


Pteris nipponica is a stunning fern and much loved owing to the fabulous glossy variegated fronds of foliage.  Deep green margins with a white central stripe.  Spores are held in neat margins on the underside of the leaves.  Although said to be hardy to minus eight, plants will become deciduous at around minus two.  Here in the UK, we recommend container growing and moving to a frost free position in the coldest months, however in milder gardens plants have survived our winters.  Can be grown as a houseplant too.

Plant in free draining, fertile but moisture retentive soil in a shaded to semi shaded sheltereds position, or grow indoors in a cool situation out of direct sunlight.

Eventual Plant Size

Please note all images are for illustrative purposes only, depending on the season or time of year the plant you receive may be different than pictured.


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