
Woodwardia fimbriata


Woodwardia fimbriata commonly known as Woodwardia fimbriata is one of our favourite ferns here at Big Plant, almost tree fern like fronds are rapidly produced during the growing season. The fronds are a deep lush green and produced in a symmetrical vase like formation up to 1.20 high and 1.50cm wide creating a large specimen in just a few years.

Like many ferns Woodwardia fimbriata does best in a slightly acidic fertile moisture retentive soil. Here on our brick making clay we add lots of well-rotted farmyard manure and ericaceous compost when planting. Generally classed as an evergreen fern Woodwardia fimbriata holds its fronds well during the winter months only looking a little tired just before the new spring fronds are produced. A time when we generally tidy them up by completely removing the winter damaged fronds.

A perfect specimen fern for the shady garden proving to be pretty tough and reliable in most locations.


Eventual Plant Size

Please note all images are for illustrative purposes only, depending on the season or time of year the plant you receive may be different than pictured.


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